Pali Commentaries Atthakatha - English Translations Collection
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Pali Commentaries Atthakatha - English Translations Collection
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- Tipitaka, Atthakatha, Commentary, Commentaries, Buddhism, Theravada
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Pali Commentaries, Atthakatha, of the Theravada school of Buddhism, translated into English (only free ebooks included, no pirated version; most of them are easily available online)
Because translations of Sub-Commentaries are extremely rare I include them inside this list and mark them as "B" in their number code. "A" is for Commentary if needed for distinguishment. 00 is for Vinaya Pitaka, 01 is Digha Nikaya, 02 is Majjhima Nikaya, 03 is for Samyutta Nikaya, 04 is for Anguttara Nikaya, 05 is for Khuddaka Nikaya and second number is for each book out of the 18 as decided by the Sixth Buddhist Council, 06 is for Abhidhamma, and 07 is for other Pali books numbered according to their position in Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka 4.0 Software.
List of Abbreviations
- Vin-a: Samantapasadika Bahiranidana, Inception of Discipline and Vinaya Nidana—N.A. Jayawickrama (Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol.21) London-1962 (272p).pdf
- Vin-a: Vinaya Commentary, Samantapasadika, Shan-Chien-P’i-P’o-Sha, Sanghabhadra’s Chinese Samantapasadika–tr. by Prof. P.V. Bapat and Prof. A. Hirakawa, Tokyo, 1970 (652p).pdf
Dīgha Nikāya
- DN-a 1: Brahmajāla Sutta, The Discourse All Embracing Net of Views—Bhikkhu Bodhi, Kandy, 2007 (372p)
- DN-a 2: Sāmaññaphala Sutta and its Commentaries, The Fruits of Recluseship—Bhikkhu Bodhi, BPS, Kandy, 2008(1989) (197p).pdf
- DN-a 15: Mahānidāna Sutta Commentary, The Great Discourse on Causation—Bhikkhu Bodhi, 2007 (82p).pdf
- DN-a 16: Mahāparinibbāna Sutta Commentary, The Mission Accomplished—Pategama Gnanarama Phd, 1997 (236p).pdf
- DN-a 28: Sampasādanīya Sutta Commentary Sampasādanīyasuttavaṇṇanā—Jnan Nanda for PhD at the University of Hong Kong, 2019 (284p).pdf
Majjhima Nikāya
- MN-a 1: Mūlapariyāya Sutta Commentary, Discourse on Root of existence 22—Bhikkhu Bodhi, BPS, 1980 (106p).pdf
- MN-a 1: Mūlapariyāya Sutta Commentary, Discourse on Root of existence (2nd Ed.)—Bhikkhu Bodhi, BPS, 2006 (109p).pdf
- MN-a 1,2,3 .Papañcasūdanī, Commentary to the Majjhima Nikāya —N.A. Jayawikrama, Toshiichi Endo, HongKong-2022 (212p).pdf
- MN-a 4: The Bhayabheravasuttavaṇṇanā of the Majjhima Nikāya, An annotated translation and study—Sree D.R. Sraman for PhD University Hong Kong, 2018 (323p).pdf
- MN-a 9: Sammādhiṭṭhi Sutta with Commentary (Wheels 377-9)—Bhikkhu Nyanamoli, Bhikkhu Bodhi, 1991 (37p).pdf
- MN-t 10: Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta with Commentaries and Sub-Commentaries—Soma Thera, 2010(1998) (179p).pdf
- MN-a 20: Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta Commentary, The Removal of Distracting Thoughts—Soma Thera, 1981(1960) (17p).pdf
- MN-a 33: Mahāgopālaka Sutta Commentary (from Majjhima Nikāya Anthology, The Five Nikāyas—An Anthology) Myanmar Pali-EN Translation 1978 (25p).pdf
- MN-t 100: Saṅgārava Sutta Commentaries and Sub-Commentaries (Pali, English, Czech translation by Ashin Saraṇa) version 2017 (94p).pdf
- MN-a 118: [Ānāpānassati Sutta Commentary, Mindfulness of Breathing 14—Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, BPS-2010(1952) (142p).pdf]
- MN-a 122: Mahāsuññata Sutta Commentary, The Greater Discourse on Voidness 13—Ñāṇamoli Thera, wheel 087 BPS-1982(1965) (47p).pdf]
Saṃyutta Nikāya
- SN-a 18,22,26 anthology: SNA 18.11, 22.5,9,12,23,24,26,28,33,58,59,63,71,78,95,102, 56.1,7,21,27,28,31,33,35,42,44,47,48— Son Tu, 2023 (105p).pdf
- SN-a and SN-ṭ 22.1: Affliction without Affliction, A Translation of the Nakulapitāsutta and its Commentaries—Giuliano Giustarini, Cardiff University Press, 2018 (29p).pdf
- Kp-a: Khuddakapāṭha Commentary, Minor Readings and Illustrator–Bhikkhu Nanamoli, PTS, 2005(1960) (384p).pdf
- Kp-a: Khuddakapāṭha Tirokuṭṭa Sutta Commentary (extracted from Khuddaka Nikāya Anthology, The Five Nikāyas) MM Pali-EN 1978 (16p).pdf
- Best e-copy found here 20
- Dhp-a: Dhammapada Commentary (Buddhist Legends) vol.1,2,3 - E.W.Burlingame, ven. Khemaratana, Anandajoti Bhikkhu, 2020(1917) (1030p).pdf
- Dhp-a: Dhammapada Stories—Gambiro Bhikkhu (126p).pdf
- Dhp-a: Dhammapada, Treasury of Truth—Weragoda Sarada Thero (with pictures), 1993 (1250p).pdf
- Dhp-a: Dhammapada Commentary—“The Dhammapada” 11—John Ross Carter and Mahinda Palihawadana, 1987
- Snp-a: Suttanipāta Commentary Paramatthajotikā (only introductions to each sutta’s Commentary)—Burma Pitaka Association, edited by Bhikkhu Pesala, 2018 (48p).pdf
- Thig-a: Therīgāthā—Canda Therī Commentary (Eng.), U Thein Zan, 1971(or later) (5p).pdf
- Best e-copy found here 14
- Ja-a: Jātaka Commentary Jātakaṭṭhakathā, only Nidānakathā, The Story of Gotama Buddha, vol.1—N.A. Jayawickrama, 2006 (294p).pdf
- Ja-a: Jātakas—Jātaka Tales of the Buddha 1 (Prince Goodspeaker)—ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa, T. Anderson, BuddhaNet, 1994 (265p).pdf
- Ja-a: Jātakas—Jātaka Tales of the Buddha 2 (King Fruitful)—ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa, T. Anderson, BuddhaNet, 1994 (193p).pdf
- Ja-a: Jātakas—Jātaka Tales Part 1-5 (BL135: 001,003,018,089; BL138: 078,083,092; BL142: 512,190,322,407; BL144: 077,194,400; BL158: 020,035,055,156)—Ken and Visaka Kawasaki (Bodhi Leaves), 2006 (63p).pdf
- Ja-a: Jātakas—Jātaka Tales, Selected and Edited with Introduction and Notes—H.T. Francis and E.J. Thomas, Cambridge-1916 (530p).pdf
- Ja-a: Jātakas—Jātakas—vocabulary and glossary—I.B. Horner, 2000 (21p).pdf
- Ja-a: Jātakas—The Jātaka Translation - T.W. Rhys Davids, R. Chalmers, H.T. Francis, W.H.D. Rouse, E.B. Cowell, revised Ānandajoti Bhikkhu, 2021(1880) (2964p).pdf
- Apad-a: Apadāna Commentary - U Lu Pe Win (Eng.), 2020 (1118p).pdf
- Bv-a: Madhuratthavilāsinī—Commentary on Buddhavamsa (PTS), 2008 (510p).pdf
- Mil-a: Milindapañhā Commentary (only section on bhikkhunīs) (“The Politics of Pali Commentary, Canon-making, Monastic Reform, and Religious Revival”)—Jetavana Mingun Sayadaw, Anthony Scott, 2023 (550p).pdf
- Ab-t: Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha (Manual of Abhidhamma)—Nārada Mahā Thera, 1979(1956) (486p).pdf
- Ab-t: Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha, A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma—Bhikkhu Bodhi, BPS, 2012(1993) (425p).pdf
- Vism: Visuddhimagga—Samatha Advanced Lv 1—Mehm Tin Mon, 2004 (154p).pdf
- Vism: Visuddhimagga—Samatha Advanced Lv 2—Mehm Tin Mon, 2004 (176p).pdf
- Vism: Visuddhimagga explanation (rewritten from tapes)—Sayadaw U Silananda (475p).pdf
- Vism: Visuddhimagga, The Path of Purification—Bhikkhu Nanamoli, 2011 (853p).pdf
- Vism: Visuddhimagga, The Path of Purity—Maung Tin vol.1, 1923 (107p).pdf
- Vism: Visuddhimagga, The Path of Purity—Maung Tin vol.2, 1929 (415p).pdf
- Vism-t: Visuddhimagga Ṭīkā—A Study in Paramatthamañjūsā With Special Reference to Paññā—Cha Myang Hee, 2001 (581p).pdf
- Vism-t: Visuddhimagga Ṭīkā (Paramatthamañjūsā), Ch XIV Study (DRAFT)—Nina Van Gorkom, 2023 (458p).pdf
- 07.5.02 Sāsanavaṃsa—The History of the Buddha’s Religion—B. C. Law, 1952 (200p).pdf
- Mhvs: Mahāvaṃsa—The Hon. George Tourner, 1836 (383p).pdf
- Mhvs: Mahāvaṃsa Extended (chapters 5, 12-15, 18-20), Asoka and the Missions—Ānandajoti Bhikkhu, 2012(1937) (86p).pdf
- Mhvs: Mahāvaṃsa or the Great Chronicle of Ceylon—Wilhelm Geiger (380p).pdf
- 07.6.01 Moggallānabyākaraṇa—hand-written notes of ven. Paññādhika, 2016 (47p).pdf
- 07.6.02 Kaccāyanabyākaraṇa—En tr. U Nandisena, 2009 (250p).pdf
- 07.7.05 Lokanīti, LawKaNiTeat—TatToe (Myanmar and English, Pali is omitted), 2009 (199p).pdf
- 07.9.02 Thūpavaṃsa, The Legend of the Topes—B.C. Law, 1945 (113p).pdf
- 07.9.02 Thūpavaṃsa (Introduction), Emotions and Ethics in Buddhist History The Sinhala Thūpavaṃsa and the Work of Virtue—S.C. Berkwitz, 2001 (19p).pdf
- Addeddate
- 2020-08-02 08:14:38
- Coverleaf
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- Identifier
- PaliCommentariesCollection
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05.02 Dhammapada, Treasury of Truth - Weragoda Sarada Thero (without pictures) (1250p).epub download
05.18 Milindapanha Atthakatha by Jetavana Mingun Sayadaw (review by Tony Scott) (16p).epub download
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05.01 Khuddakapatha Commentary, Minor Readings and Illustrator (PTS) (OCRed) (384p).pdf download
05.10 Jatakas - Jataka Tales Part 1-5 - Ken and Visaka Kawasaki (Bodhi Leaves) (63p).pdf download
05.13 Apadana Commentary - En tr. by U Lu Pe Win (from Wikipitaka Completing Tipitaka).pdf download
07.1 Visuddhimagga explanation (rewritten from tapes) - Sayadaw U Silananda (475p).pdf download
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